Category: Blog

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  • A time

    Was there a time before survival of the fittest? Where all creatures simply coexisted.

  • Offerings

    Often times there will be a simple offering surrounded by expensive but natural offerings which resonate with thought. Making it tempting for those trying to be wise. Tempting to spend […]

  • If you are kind

    People may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives: Be kind anyway. If you are successful you will win some false friends and true enemies: Succeed anyway. If you are honest […]

  • Nature

    I often sit under an oak tree. The ants crawl on me as if they are starting to remember.

  • Om!

    From the Invisible whole comes forth the visible whole. Though the visible whole has come out from the invisible whole, yet the whole remains unaltered.

  • Families

    Perhaps in each family or group of friends there are only on or two thoughts which anchored by perception strengthen the reality of illusions.

  • Sunday thoughts

    The real thoughts around us trees, plants, animals, us make the illusoryones around us look real. Irrigation placed sloppily makes cement look more natural. Trash mingled with grass.

  • All existence

    All existence is in the absolute; and whatever exists, must exist in It; hence all manifestation is merely a modification of the One Supreme Whole, and neither increases or diminishes […]